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ket單詞打卡學(xué)習(xí):KET詞匯精講:fake 名詞詞義精學(xué)

來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2023-01-06 06:10:39




1. 假貨,假貨:a copy of a valuable object, painting etc that is intended to deceive people


?The painting was judged a fake.這幅畫被判定為假貨。

?Jones can spot a fake from 20 feet away.瓊斯在 20 在英寸遠的地方可以認出假貨。

2. 騙子,冒充者,假冒者:someone who is not what they claim to be or does not have the skills they say they have



?Her psychologist turned out to be a fake.她的心理醫(yī)生竟然是個騙子。


偽造,假冒:made to look like a real material or object in order to deceive people


?fake fur人造毛皮

?a fake ID card假身份證

?a fake $20 dollar bill一枚20美元的偽幣

假裝,假裝:2.假裝:not real and seeming to be something it is not, in order to deceive people


?I gave a fake name.我報了個假名。

?She was speaking with a fake German accent.他假裝是德國口音演講。

?a fake smile of friendliness友好的微笑裝出來


表示仿制;偽造:to make something seem real in order to deceive people


?She faked her father's signature on the cheque.他偽造了爸爸在支票上的簽名。

偽裝,偽裝,偽裝:to pretend to be ill, interested etc when you are not


?I thought he was really hurt but he was faking it.原本以為自己真的受傷了,沒想到他是裝出來的。He faked a yawn.他假裝打了個哈欠。

3.〔尤其是在運動中〕做(…)假動作:to pretend to move in one direction, but then move in another, especially when playing sport


?He faked a pass.他做了一個假的傳球動作。



模仿動詞的含義:偽造forge, copy, counterfeit, fabricate, feign, pretend, sham,

名詞意為假貨,假貨:copy, forgery, fraud, hoax, imitation, sham

名詞的意思是騙子:impostor, charlatan

修飾詞意為假的,假的:artificial, counterfeit, false, forged, imitation, mock, phoney


fake action假動作

fake diplomas假文憑

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